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Nestlé targets Brazil with new Arabica variety called Star4Daily Coffee News by Roast Magazine


Nestle press release photo.

Multinational food giant Nestlé says it has developed a new high-yielding coffee variety called Star 4, targeting Brazil, the world’s largest coffee-producing market.

Announcing the Star 4 launch last week, the Swiss company said the variety has demonstrated relatively high production yields and overall resistance to pests and diseases.

The company goes a step further and suggests that these factors represent a sustainable win for the green coffee sector as a whole, despite the proprietary nature of the development.

“The new variety is characterized by its larger bean size and resistance to coffee leaf rust,” Jeroen Dijkman, head of Nestlé’s Institute of Agricultural Sciences, said in the press release. “Our field trials have shown that, using similar inputs, the yield of They are 4 Substantially higher than the two most commonly used Brazilian local varieties, which reduces its carbon footprint.


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According to Nestlé, the new plants have been field-tested in Brazil’s major coffee-growing regions of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, and the variety has been successfully registered with the non-profit Brazilian Coffee Technology Support Foundation (Procafé).

The new Star 4 variety “has the characteristic flavor of Brazilian coffee,” Nestlé said Brazil is the world’s largest importer and exporter of Arabica coffee.

The launch of Star 4 follows Nestlé’s recent development Ruby d And 2Which, according to the company, are two high-yielding and resilient Robusta varieties that are currently being introduced into the Nestlé supply chain in Mexico.

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Brazil,cultivars,F1 Hybrid,Hybrid,Jeroen Diekman,Leaf rust,Mines of Mohr,Sao Paulo,They are 4,caste

Nestlé Targets Brazil with New Arabica Variety Called Star 4

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